It feels so crazy and surreal to actually be saying that. Living in New England and having to survive the extreme cold weather and snowstorms make you feel like summer is a season of literal heaven on earth.
I feel like I’m living my best life in the warm weather under the sun, which is partly why I envision myself becoming a Floridian at some point in my life. Ever since I was younger I always looked at Florida as a vacation spot and thought that people who actually get to live there are livin’ the dream.
Not only do I love the summer because of my birthday (June 24; wish me a good one) but I love it because of the beach, the warm and humid summer nights, bonfires, wearing comfortable clothes (and cute ones at that), that summer glow/tan, doing a bunch of outside activities like going to food truck festivals and carnivals, etc etc. The list could go on for days.
I also love it because of the vibes. Everyone comes alive during the summer and the atmosphere is just so much more positive and energetic in my opinion. Yes, the heat sometimes makes people (myself included) agitated and cranky. Yes, you might get sunburnt. And yes, you might sweat through your clothes in places you don’t want people to know your sweating (don’t act like you can’t relate). But all of these downsides cannot and will never outweigh the greatness that comes from the summer.
I just feel like I see a lot more smiles and laughter and joy. In the winter everyone is just cold and trying their best to run from their car to the store entrance before their faces get frostbitten. Everyone subconsciously and naturally becomes more reserved, just trying to get by instead of taking it easy and slow and enjoying life. People are less likely to feel loose and make connections with others just because.
Not only that, but skies are more grey, the sun isn’t out as much, there’s not much to do outside as there is in the summer (you can debate with me on this), and there are less conversations and connections being made. Everything we do becomes confined to being in heated buildings. We are more out of touch with nature than we realize.
I didn’t come to throw dirt on winter’s name, but I did come to make a point about how important nature is to our well-being. And I’m admitting I’m bias in saying we can only make our best connections with it in spring and summer (and maybe even fall…whatever).
Two main things we should be taking out of summer:
Loving on people and building connections with them, ourselves, and nature
Resting and relaxing from the hard work we’ve done in school AND work even though some of us might still be in both! The summertime allows us to be able to get home from either and soak in some sun or just wine down in the heat.
It’s so important to take care of yourself. And I’m not just talking about wearing sunscreen, but cherishing and taking the most out of summer. I know a lot of us need revivals from the stress we experience, so it’s important that we look out for ourselves. In order to live our best lives and thrive the best we can, we need to!